What we do
When things go wrong, we fix them. We aim to fix and prevent all your automotive problems so your vehicle is safe and reliable. We don’t use jargon, we explain things as they are so you know where you're going and how you’re getting there.
From Warrant of Fitness inspections to breakdowns we can help with all your vehicle needs. Find out more about services below.
Vehicle maintenance 101
You want your vehicle to run well, be reliable and safe. For this to happen you need to have a plan of regular maintenance. Below is our three easy rules for keeping your car healthy and safe.
Service intervals
Bring your car in for an oil and filter change every 10,000kms or once per year, whichever comes first. Replacing the engine oil means everything in the engine stays properly lubricated and runs smoothly. We will also check the condition of the transmission, radiator, drive belts and all other parts affecting engine health.
6 monthly
safety checks
A Warrant of Fitness is your safety check. Vehicles older than the year 2000 require this every 6 months. Newer vehicles only require a WoF once per year but we recommend bringing them in every six months to have a short check to make sure brakes, tyres and other safety items aren’t wearing too quickly.
Notify us when
Something is a miss
You drive your vehicle more than anyone else so you will know when a check light comes on, it sounds different, overheats or is running rough. Often if problems are caught early they are easy to fix - saving you money and time. Putting off getting your vehicle looked at can lead to the problem getting worse, we live by the saying “Prevention is better than cure.”